Our comprehensive service by Gyoseishoshi lawyer/Immigration lawyer for Application for Extension for Period of Stay.This procedure of extension for Status of Residence is simpler procedure that an applicant can do him/herself, comparing to the procedure for Certificate of Eligibility or Change of Status of Residence. But Immigration Bureau is open only on weekdays so that you may need to take a day off from work or self-employed applicant may need to close your business temporarily for the trip you have to make. If you have worries or are in need of a consultation regarding procedure for Application for Extension for Period of Stay, please feel free to contact Tateda Gyoseishoshi Lawyer/Immigration Lawyer Office. By having Gyoseishoshi lawyer/immigration lawyer who is a specialist of Application for Extension of Period of Stay administer the application process on your behalf, you will not have to take a day off from work nor worry about losing business chances even temporarily. We make trips to your residence or office, please feel free to request. (The cost of transportation is your responsibility.) (Within Hokushin district of Nagano Prefecture, transportation cost is free.) |
Please consider retaining a specialist for your application needs. We offer comprehensive service administered by Gyoseishoshi Lawyer/Immigration Lawyer for application for Status of Residence / Permission for Permanent Residence, and other immigration related applications.Gyoseishoshi Lawyer is a specialist for the process of Status of Residence / Permission for Permanent Residence, and other applications in the areas of immigration. Our comprehensive service covers all applications, such as "Application for Certificate of Eligibility", "Application for Change of Status of Residence", "Application for Extension of Period of Stay", "Application for Permission for Permanent Residence", and all other immigration related applications. Tateda Gyoseishoshi Lawyer/Immigration Lawyer Office offers comprehensive support service for application/submission of Status of Residence, Permission for Permanent Residence, and other immigration related applications on your behalf. If you have worries or questions in regard to "Status of Residence (Resident Status) / Permission for Permanent Residence", please feel free to contact us for a consultation. We offer our services for primarily, but not limited to, Nagano and Niigata Prefectures. ![]() ![]() |