Contact us

If you have questions, a need of consultation, or a request to retain our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

(Please be advised that we may not send our response to free e-mail addresses.)

Marked with * are required field.

* Your name

Last name First name

* Your telephone number where you can be reached (please include area code)

- -

* Your e-mail address

(To confirm, please enter again)

* Name of prefecture in which you reside

Name of city in which you reside

* Detail of your inquiry / consultation / details of your case for retaining our service
(Please specify a method of your preference to receive our reply, either e-mail, facsimile, or telephone.)

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After you have sent the Inquiry form and you do not hear from us within 48 yours, there might be some kind of error occurred during the transmission. If you do not hear from us within 48 hours, may we please ask you to again address your inquiry directly to the following e-mail address.

(Please be advised that we may not send our response to free e-mail addresses.)

Please include the following in your e-mail message:

- Your name

- Your address

- Telephone number where you can be reached.

- Your e-mail address

- Details of your inquiry or consultation request. (please describe in as much details as possible.)

- Please specify a method of your preference in order to receive a reply from us, either by e-mail, facsimile, or telephone.